8:51 AMvital role in the development & progress of country. Today education is very important for success. The success of development countries based on education. Only educated leaders and nation builders take the nation to the heights of success and progress. Education makes us as perfect noble and kind as possible.Main purpose of education is personal advancement, social , economic progress and success in nation goals. Awareness of education spread among people through media, newspaper etc.Education develops our minds. We become good learner to understand all subjects of our study. We have ability to understand our social rights and duties. Education develop our noblesse oblige sense.Due to education, We can make difference between right and wrong. Through education we also understand our religious value and standards well. An uneducated society cannot get success. We should create equal standards of education for all people of society.Provide facilities to those students, Who can’t afford expenses of high education. A well-educated system helps us to remove the main problem of our society is poverty and unemployment. Islam has stressed upon the importance of this video here